On Wednesday, 11th August 2010, a few members of CGC who were able to take time off work, went cruising on a yacht named the "Blue Whale" with Ven. Osel and Geshe Sherab. Accompanying us on the cruise was Mr. Ken Chuah from Losang Dragpa Centre, Kuala Lumpur and his father from New Zealand. The intention of the cruise was to perform Naga Puja at sea.
Naga Puja is a powerful puja to pacify nagas, unseen beings in the animal realm which lives around us in the sea, lakes, rivers, jungles, etc. Nagas sometimes brings harmful diseases such as skin diseases, cancer, stroke, bone pain, etc to people. Participating in the puja brings about protection from nagas and will certainly help prevent such diseases or help recover from them.
The yatch departed at approximately 4.00 pm from the marina located next to Penang's jetty. Prayers to Medicine Buddha were recited by the participants while both Geshe Sherab and Ven. Osel performed the puja. Offerings were made to the nagas by throwing Tibetan medicinal herbs and milk into the sea concluding the puja. We also chanted mantras blowing them onto pieces of bread before throwing them into the sea to feed and bless the fishs and other animals.

Having completed our mission, we spent the rest of the cruise celebrating Geshe Sherab's birthday and the birthday of three other members who were also born in the month of August - Glen, Sharon and Yin Peng. It was a most enjoyable experience for everyone.